We're currently in the process of moving from being hosted on GaiaOnline to our own website.
Please ignore the dust and don't be surprised if any links to past rps take you to that site.
Welcome to Hivestuck! We are a semi-closed literate rp group, set on Alternia, a planet from the webcomic Homestuck. Perhaps you've heard of it. We've been around and active since 2011 and are always looking for more characters to come join in our ongoing story.

Hivestuck is an ongoing linear slice of life. Set in an alternate reality, the planet Alternia became the way it is without any outside meddling by the villains from the webcomic. We focus on the day to day lives of the citizen trolls. The turmoil of their lives comes from their vibrant and aggressive society, and the struggles that accompany living in such a world. Through our constant worldbuilding, we've created our own heroes, villains, and history.

Unlike most rps, we have a structured character growth system. Characters start as children, and through roleplay, grow to become teens, then adults. To get trolls with 'special' attributes, users need to be active in our large events and earn our private activity currency. As an added bonus, all characters receive art of their current life stage. They can also get art drawn of various items, weapons, and even their Lusus through activity.

We have an application process for new characters to join Hivestuck. Every character is reviewed beforehand, to make sure that they fit into Alternia. As stated in our character building guide; 'We want to make sure that your troll can interact with others, and that your character will fit in with established canon. We also make sure that you as the player understand enough about Alternia so your character will be able to navigate it without getting too lost.'

If you're still interested in Hivestuck, and want to join our active and long-lasting roleplay group, awesome! Head on over to join us below.